15th Sep 09

今天的行程是Castle Howard, 離York市區還有頗遠的路程
首先先從York Uni搭bus到York Station, 再轉別輛公車,然後再轉一輛~@@

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14th Sep 09

這裡也終於可以不用寫英文了~XD (哪天興致來還是會寫寫英文的啦~)

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上個週末flat裡搬來了好幾個native speakers, 著實嚇到我了~@@

首先~來了兩個女孩和他們的爸媽, 姑且稱之威爾斯家族和新堡家族吧~


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5th Sep 09

Today's trip is Kew Garden in the zone4 of London which is the furthest place i have never been in London. The ticket costs 11 pounds for students, it's quite expensive but we still paid for it~>
There is a simple world map on the way of visiting in the garden, and I was so excited to see such a big Taiwan on that it!!

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1st Sep 09

After terrifying timed writing, we went to National Gallery to relax. (But finally we found that it’s not a good idea!) I visited it before, and I just came to review those famous art works. Like the feeling of Tate to me, it’s a precious opportunity to see such marvelous creations. I had never dreamed that one day I will see the real works of
Leonardo Da Vinci, Raffelo Santi, Monet, and so on before studying abroad. However, even though those creations are fantastic, they are too serious to see so many in a day, and that made us much more exhausted after a tense assessment. Also, the weather was quite cold that I was easy to feel tired. 

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31th Aug 09

When in Taiwan, I always hear something interesting and fascinating about carnival like Brasil Tropical Carnival. At the beginning of knowing Notting Hill Carnival, I decided to join it!! Thank god, it’s a sunny day when the carnival was taking place, and we went there with high joy and expectation. However, after being there, we all quite disappointed. Everything was like a fair, and the dressing of paraders was not good enough that looked like our informal performance of a school party; besides, it seemed boring but most people were excited and had much fun that they were drinking, eating, laughing and singing on the street and enjoyed the carnival so much. Around 2 hours later, we couldn’t stand the crowded street and dull activity anymore, so that we went home and saw Japanese soap opera to kill time.

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29th Aug 09

Last weekend Flora and I planned to see “Romeo & Juliette” in Globe Theater but tickets were sold out. This weekend, we decided to see another play no matter what, and then we bought the tickets of “A New World” which doesn’t seem to be a Shakespear’s work. Anyway, it’s also a great experience that during the performance, actors went through the audiences or be the one of us while responding other actors, and I felt just like being in the drama, living in the times, it’s so real and interesting. Also, the tickets for yard are inexpensive which is only
5, but it’s really tired to stand through the whole performance about 3 hours. 


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今天課堂上得知,別班同樣在上pre,且已經拿到uncon-offer的同學 (IELTS 6.5)

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22th Aug 09


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This day Yang invited us to her flat to have a dinner.

All I have to say is that YANG IS AMAZING~

She cooked several dishes for us, and all of them were absolutely great!!

When cooking, Yang asked us just to wait then we saw her masterly handled various pans and pots, while everyone was wide-eyed and also want to pack Yang up and take home~XD     

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  • Aug 14 Fri 2009 04:24
  • Hamlet

12th Aug 09 

Around one week ago, someone told me that Jude Law has participated in Hamlet, and then I planned to go to the theater. 
However, when Flora and I went to the box office, no ticket!! All tickets were sold out six months ago~T_T  

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10th Aug 09


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Will Wyatt Court which hall I reside, but I have no picture of that building~ ha
Today I wanna introduce the surroundings.

# neighborhood, on my way to school, looks like a residentail area,and there is a kidergarten near by

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8th Aug 09

On the first weekend in London, Flora and I decide to be with Yang going to Liverpool Street. When getting off the bus, I find I was here, but today is not the right time, Spitalfield Market is on holiday. 

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7th Aug 09

It’s amazing!! I find 維力炸醬麵 in China Town!! But I don’t know how much is this~

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