3rd Aug 2009

# in Old Street Station where i take tube to school every study day~

After a long sleep, I went to enroll with Noemi and Cecilia meet on Hellouk and also join pre-session in UAL. When I arrived at Bond St. Station, pictures here of three years ago came into my mind. I wandered around surroundings as waiting, while it is still what London looks like, however everything has changed on me. 

I thought the place we enrolling was the same one that I studied in last time, maybe it was Language Center but it is Arts London’s building.

Then I ate the first meat in London —Beijing dumplings in China Town, it’s really expensive that 8 dumplings cost 4.5 but not tasty.  

# these are the extremely expensive dumplings!! I can buy about 60~70 dumplings with the same price in Taiwan!!

下午陪Noemi去看房子,雖說在London Bridge附近,卻還是又搭了一段公車和走了一段路才到,和我們一起看房子的是一對巴西和匈牙利的coupleLondonBridge的房子很棒環境也不錯,可惜就是離公車站&地鐵太遠~怕遠上回來會危險。第二間是在二區的房子~一出站就覺得整個環境和一區不一樣,充滿了印度人和黑人~亂危險的感覺。帶我們看房子的仲介是一個台灣女生,念完一年書覺得學得不夠多就又再留一年工作,覺得他實在是很大膽,即便是晚上也走小巷子不愛走大馬路~我想根本就是因為他170好幾的身高可以讓他這麼安全吧。

About the dinner, I went to Noemi and her friend’s flat for cooking, even I have cooked by myself for few years during university, I still not good on it~ but Noemi’s friend is absolutely excellent!

# our delicious dinner, but the only pity thing is I don't eat vegetable~haha~XD  

# night view near the hall, of course, i did some Photoshop~


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